Today things are far different from when both Jamie and Tom went to school. Social networking has become a must for most of us in our individual lives and for most, critical in the life of most businesses. To begin think of it as a simile to what newspaper you should be in: Local, Regional, National? All of them? Jamie details what is and what will work for Proactive Business Network. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Goggle+, Pinterest, Instagram, yadda, yadda, yadda. How do you know which will work for you. Like the newspaper analogy, you need to find out what social network does what and to whom what message is sent. Tom has been involved with LinkedIn from its beta version. Few knew the expansiveness and utility of what it now has become.
Tom and Jamie talk about some of the utility of what they have found works at Proactive Business Network. Remember, yes again, the podcast on communications? Again this comes into play when you utilize social networks and the content you wish to share with your customers and prospects. Communications strategies play well into how you will want to utilize a social networking strategy. You also must know who to educate (note: we did not say chase). Are your customers using that social networking platform? Things change rapidly in this environment so if you meet success in this area keep your eye on it anyway. Be wary of what you pay for and what you can do for free. Both avenues can help (validate your business) and haunt you (irritate your prospect base) if you guess. And, if you do social media, do it. Spotty work in this area will hurt you.