Deb Prior
Want to meet an entrepreneur that was born from a corporate setting? Sound like you? Listen to Deb Prior, from Priority Tax Services. She started out as a business woman, worked her way through the corporate ladder in several companies then lands as an energetic professional tax preparer.
One of the keys of successful people is their ability to tap into their gifted and unique given skill sets. Deb shares how she taps into her strengths and weathers the trials and tribulations of change in the last few decades of the New England and New York business and economic climate. You will be in awe as change did not get her down nor cause her to quit. Change led to opportunity.
Believe you will stick to the first job you found you liked? Do you think your boss wants you around that long? Think again. Todays business world, is much different than even 10 years ago. Change is constant and more rapid than ever. However, keeping your head above water enables you to steer though change and find success. Debs journey is a fascinating one for those who may find themselves locked in a big company with few options. Debs story is one that every corporate suit who aspires to be a one-day entrepreneur, should hear.
Deb can be reached by phone at 860-993-4711 or via the web at http://www.prioritybookkeepingct.com/